Friday, 27 March 2015

Reflective Writing - A Very Brief Guide

I deliberately used this particular video, for me it is killing two birds with one stone. This piece very simply, explains pros and cons of reflective writing.

This video was created by PowToons. This is an awesome way to teach or lecture as well, most especially for creative students and to keep the boredom at bay in class. I use this tool often and get my students involved in creating PowToon videos (as projects). This is a perfect example of using ICT in the classroom environment, in school or university level.



  1. Hi Hana, that was brilliant. I really enjoyed the overview, thanks.

  2. You most welcome Rachel. I liked that it was so easy to understand and PowToons always makes everything fun.....

  3. Often times we find that our minds work better when exposed to alternative types of media, such as this video. Although I had to read the words, the visual techniques that were used helped to drive into my brain the finer details of reflective writing.

  4. Awesome Waheed, that was the idea behind using PowToon. Its fun, drives a clear message, and guess what; students actually pay attention. It definately keeps boredom at bay in a classroom situation, thereby making teaching more fun.
    Glad you enjoyed the video.

  5. That was excellent. It goes straight to the point, and i like it
